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Cessna 172SP



180 HP, Multi funtion display, block time not available


Solo/Rental: $144.00

Weight and Balance

               Weight   x Arm    =   Moment

Airplane: 1,718.2   x   41.072 = 70,569

Fuel:        ______   x  48.0    =

pilot pass:_______  x 37       = 

rear pass:_______  x 73        =

bag 1:     _______   x 95       =

bag 2:     _______   x 123     =

Totals:   Weight:___________     Moment:___________

Center of Gravity (Moment divided by Weight): ______________



Cessna 172sp Performance table

    Maximum at Sea Level 126 kts
    Cruise, 75% power at 8,500 ft
    (Best Power Mixture)
124 kts

(with recommended lean mixture with fuel allowance for
engine start, taxi, takeoff, climb and 45 minutes reserve)

Range at 8,500 ft, 75% power,
with 53 gal usable fuel
Range: 518 nm
Time: 4.26 hours
Range at 10,000 ft, 45% Power
with 53 gal usable fuel
Range: 638 nm
Time: 6.72 hours
Rate of climb at sea level 730 fpm
Service ceiling 14,000 ft
Takeoff performance:  
    Ground Roll 960 ft
    Total distance over 50 ft. obstacle 1,630 ft
Landing Performance:  
    Ground Roll 575 ft
    Total distance over 50 ft. obstacle 1,335 ft
Stall Speed (kcas):  
    Flaps off, Power off 53 kcas
    Flaps down, Power off 48 kcas
Maximum Weight:  
    Ramp 2,558 lbs
    Takeoff or Landing 2,550 lbs
Standard empty weight 1,642 lbs
Maximum useful load 916 lbs
Baggage allowance 120 lbs
Fuel Capacity 56 us gal
Oil Capacity 8 qts
Engine: Avco Lycoming IO-360-L2A 180hp at 2700 rpm
Propeller: Fixed Pitch, Diameter 76 in